Cellar Door

Aydasara Ortega Torres
1 min readOct 30, 2021

There’ll never be a door. You are inside.” Jorge Luis Borges


○ Interesting how it is uncommon to hear people in positions of authority say “I don’t know.”

Have you ever?

○ Particularly when asked a question in their area of expertise.


○ Many would assume that they lack sufficient knowledge if they even say “I am not sure.”


○ Reminiscent of how others give less attention to a leader who has a ‘change of mind’ about an issue.

As if.

○ Actually, having doubts is seen as weakness.

As being erratic.

○ Unreliable.


○ Sad to see that if certainty can’t be offered, countless forgo searching for answers.


We might just keep hidden then.

○ Veiled.


○ Until there’s a cellar door.

Most of us would benefit from being more open more of the time, because it’s in scientist mode that we gain mental agility.” Adam M. Grant

Artwork by Aydasara Ortega Torres



Aydasara Ortega Torres

Aydasara Ortega Torres is an educator, researcher and writer.